Gender Moderation in Entrepreneurial Knowledge and Self-Efficacy: Implications for Student Business Interests
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Entrepreneurship Education
Business Interests

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Purnamasari, A. E. ., & Abadiyah, R. (2023). Gender Moderation in Entrepreneurial Knowledge and Self-Efficacy: Implications for Student Business Interests: Moderasi Gender dalam Pengetahuan Kewirausahaan dan Efikasi Diri: Implikasi untuk Minat Bisnis Mahasiswa. Indonesian Journal of Innovation Studies, 24, 10.21070/ijins.v25i.970.


This quantitative study investigates the influence of gender as a moderator on entrepreneurial knowledge and self-efficacy and their impact on students' business interests at Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo. Data were collected from 210 randomly sampled respondents using questionnaires. Our analysis reveals that gender indeed plays a significant moderating role in shaping the relationship between entrepreneurial knowledge, self-efficacy, and students' business interests. This research sheds light on the gender-specific dynamics within entrepreneurship education, highlighting the need for tailored approaches to foster students' entrepreneurial aspirations and capabilities.


  • Gender moderates entrepreneurial knowledge and self-efficacy.
  • Quantitative study with 210 student respondents.
  • Implications for tailored entrepreneurship education.

Keywords: Gender, Entrepreneurship Education, Self-Efficacy, Business Interests, Moderation
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