The study investigates the impact of website utilization in advertising and information distribution, focusing on the case of Frodz—a company utilizing its website as a marketing vehicle and information medium. Employing the Waterfall model, a widely used sequential linear approach in system analysis, the website's development process was analyzed. The goal was to explore how the website effectively and efficiently serves as a promotional and informational platform for Frodz. Results indicate that the website successfully facilitates marketing and publicizing information, products, and promotions, thus enhancing Frodz's outreach and communication with the target audience.
- The utilization of the website as a marketing tool and information medium positively impacted Frodz's promotional efforts, resulting in enhanced reach and effectiveness.
- Through the Waterfall model approach, the website's development process was systematically analyzed, ensuring a well-structured and efficient platform for advertising and information dissemination.
- The website played a crucial role in showcasing Frodz's product quality, utilizing promotions and advertisements to engage the public effectively.
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