General Background: The juvenile justice system aims to protect children in conflict with the law, emphasizing restorative justice. Specific Background: In Indonesia, legal inconsistencies and weak inter-agency coordination hinder effective child offender rehabilitation. Knowledge Gap: There is limited research on optimizing synergy between law enforcement and child protection agencies in handling juvenile cases. Aims: This study explores mechanisms for enhancing collaboration in implementing diversion and restorative justice for child offenders. Results: Effective coordination improves outcomes by ensuring legal protections throughout the judicial process, supported by community-based restorative practices. Novelty: The research offers a model for integrating legal and social institutions to bridge gaps in policy and practice. Implications: Findings suggest policy refinements, enhanced law enforcement training, and integrated systems for protecting children’s rights. This study highlights collaborative approaches as vital for achieving justice and rehabilitation.
- Restorative Justice Emphasis: Prioritizes rehabilitation and reconciliation over punitive measures for child offenders.
- Inter-agency Synergy: Highlights the importance of coordinated efforts between law enforcement and child protection agencies.
- Policy Implications: Advocates for enhanced legal frameworks, training, and integrated systems to uphold children's rights.
Keywords: Law Enforcement, Child Protection Institutions, Criminal Offenders
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