Background: Women's representation in Indonesia's Village Consultative Bodies (BPD) is essential for gender equality and inclusive governance. However, unclear regulations, socio-cultural barriers, and weak enforcement hinder progress. Gap: Legal ambiguities and inconsistent practices limit effective participation and gender-responsive decision-making. Aim: This study explores the legal uncertainties affecting women's representation in BPDs and their broader impacts. Results: Findings highlight unclear legislation, gaps between national and regional regulations, and insufficient enforcement, compounded by cultural biases, reducing women’s motivation and participation. Novelty: The study provides a unique analysis of legal and socio-cultural challenges, offering actionable reform strategies. Implications: Clearer regulations and empowerment programs can improve representation, fostering equitable governance and sustainable development.
- Legal ambiguities in regulations hinder women’s effective participation in BPDs.
- Socio-cultural biases significantly reduce opportunities for gender-responsive governance.
- Clearer policies and empowerment programs are vital for equitable local development.
Keywords: Women's Representation, Village Consultative Bodies, Gender Equality, Legal Uncertainty, Governance
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