Wet Extraction Process and Its Physicochemical Changes in Virgin Coconut Oil
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Arisandhy, A., Wulandari, N., & Budi, F. S. (2024). Wet Extraction Process and Its Physicochemical Changes in Virgin Coconut Oil. Indonesian Journal of Innovation Studies, 25(4), 10.21070/ijins.v25i4.1276. https://doi.org/10.21070/ijins.v25i4.1276


Background: Indonesia is a major exporter of virgin coconut oil (VCO), but global demand surpasses production. Optimizing extraction processes is crucial. Knowledge gap: While various extraction methods exist, the effect of specific parameters on VCO quality and yield needs systematic analysis. Aim: This review evaluates extraction methods to optimize VCO production, focusing on enzymatic and microbial fermentation. Results: From eight articles, enzymatic fermentation using alcalase at 60°C for 1.5 hours produced high-quality VCO (free fatty acids 0.19%, water content 0.04%, peroxide value 8.28 meq/kg) with the highest yield (98.25%). Microbial fermentation, though longer, also yielded good quality. Novelty: Alcalase enzymatic fermentation is more efficient than microbial methods. Implications: These findings can guide industrial optimization of VCO production to meet SNI 7381:2022 standards.



  • Enzymatic fermentation with alcalase at 60°C for 1.5 hours yields the highest VCO quality and yield.
  • Microbial fermentation, while effective, requires longer extraction times for similar results.
  • Optimal temperature and time significantly influence the quality and yield of VCO, meeting SNI 7381:2022 standards.

Keywords: Correlation, Enzymatic, Fermentation, Temperature, Time


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