Arduino Sensors Reveal Temperature-Driven Compression Fluctuations in Vehicle Engines
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Engine trouble
Compression pressure
Pressure sensor
Temperature sensor

How to Cite

Fikroh, U., & Syahrorini , S. (2024). Arduino Sensors Reveal Temperature-Driven Compression Fluctuations in Vehicle Engines. Indonesian Journal of Innovation Studies, 25(4), DOI 10.21070/ijins.v25i4.1195.


Many modern vehicles suffer from engine trouble due to decreased compression pressure, necessitating a simple and efficient measurement tool. This study develops an Arduino-based device to measure engine compression and temperature using a pressure sensor in the spark plug location and a temperature sensor in the oil gauge, with results displayed on a 16x2 I2C LCD. Testing each engine cylinder before and after heating shows that compression pressure is strongly influenced by temperature (over 80%). The tool enhances engine diagnostics, offering precise, real-time monitoring to improve vehicle maintenance and longevity.


  1. Real-time Monitoring: Provides precise, real-time engine diagnostics.
  2. Temperature Influence: Compression pressure is 80% influenced by temperature.
  3. Enhanced Maintenance: Offers accurate compression and temperature measurements.


Keywoard: Engine trouble, Compression pressure, Arduino, Pressure sensor, Temperature sensor
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