Revolutionizing Warehouse Efficiency with Shared and Class-Based Storage
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Warehouse layout
material handling
shared storage
class-based storage
efficiency improvement

How to Cite

Supriyadi, D., & Cahyana , A. S. (2024). Revolutionizing Warehouse Efficiency with Shared and Class-Based Storage. Indonesian Journal of Innovation Studies, 25(4), 10.21070/ijins.v25i4.1171.


This study addresses inefficiencies in the warehouse layout of a paper production company in Pasuruan, East Java, which led to delayed deliveries. By implementing shared storage (SS) using FIFO and class-based storage (CBS), the research aimed to optimize space and improve material handling efficiency. Data collection involved observation, interviews, and company records. The proposed layout reduced space usage from 59.45% to 16.95% and achieved significant time savings: 17.84% for brown paper, 8.84% for white paper, and 28.51% for custom-colored paper. The findings suggest that a systematic layout can greatly enhance warehouse efficiency. Future studies should consider the cost factors associated with these improvements.



  1. Space Efficiency: Reduced usage from 59.45% to 16.95%.
  2. Time Savings: Up to 28.51% for custom-colored paper.
  3. Data-Driven: Used observations, interviews, and records for layout optimization

Keywords: Warehouse layout, material handling, shared storage, class-based storage, efficiency improvement
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