Diving into Math Success for Discipline and Interest Propel Sixth-Graders
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Learning discipline
Interest in learning
Mathematics learning outcomes
Sixth-grade students
Quantitative correlational study

How to Cite

Arisandi, D., & Wardana, M. D. K. (2024). Diving into Math Success for Discipline and Interest Propel Sixth-Graders. Indonesian Journal of Innovation Studies, 25(2), 10.21070/ijins.v25i2.1098. https://doi.org/10.21070/ijins.v25i2.1098


This study examines the relationship between learning discipline, interest in learning, and Mathematics learning outcomes among sixth-grade students at SDN Bulang, using a quantitative correlational approach. Data collected from 35 students through questionnaires and report card assessments were analyzed using SPSS v25. Results indicate a significant correlation between learning discipline, interest in learning, and Mathematics learning outcomes, with correlation coefficients of 0.747 (p=0.003) and 0.909 (p=0.001), respectively. These findings highlight the importance of cultivating both learning discipline and interest in learning to improve Mathematics performance among sixth-grade students, suggesting implications for educational practice and policy.

  1. Correlation: Learning discipline, interest impact Mathematics outcomes.
  2. Quantitative study: 35 sixth graders' data analyzed using SPSS.
  3. Emphasizes fostering discipline, interest to enhance Mathematics performance.
  Keyword: Learning discipline, Interest in learning, Mathematics learning outcomes, Sixth-grade students, Quantitative correlational study
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