Finger Painting Revolutionizes Early Childhood Education by Boosting Fine Motor Skills
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Fine motor Skills
Finger Painting
Early Childhood Education
Sensory-rich Activities
Academic Readiness

How to Cite

Husniah, M. N., & Iffatur Rocmah, L. (2024). Finger Painting Revolutionizes Early Childhood Education by Boosting Fine Motor Skills. Indonesian Journal of Innovation Studies, 25(2), DOI 10.21070/ijins.v25i2.1093.


This classroom action research investigates the efficacy of finger painting activities in enhancing the fine motor skills of 5-6-year-old children at Ittihadul Ummah Ngoro Kindergarten. Conducted over two cycles with 20 students in Group B, the study employs observation, tests, interviews, and documentation for data collection. Results indicate a notable improvement in children's fine motor skills, with average achievements rising from 61% to 78% between Cycle I and Cycle II. The findings underscore the value of integrating sensory-rich, hands-on activities like finger painting into early childhood education to support holistic development and academic readiness.


  1. Finger painting enhances fine motor skills.
  2. Integration of sensory-rich activities in early childhood education.
  3. Importance of holistic development for academic readiness.

Keywoard: Fine motor Skills, Finger Painting, Early Childhood Education, Sensory-rich Activities, Academic Readiness.
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