Fostering Global Success Empowering Young Learners in Online Education
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Elementary Education
Online Learning
Parent-Student Interaction
Qualitative Research

How to Cite

Aryanto, A. V., & Indrakurniawan, M. (2024). Fostering Global Success Empowering Young Learners in Online Education. Indonesian Journal of Innovation Studies, 25(2), DOI 10.21070/ijins.v25i2.1088.


This qualitative descriptive study explores the independent characteristics of second-grade students at Betro Elementary School (SDN Betro) within the context of online learning. Through interviews, observations, and documentation, the study investigates the self-reliance of students, the dynamics of parent-student interaction, and the daily habits cultivated by students in response to online education. Findings reveal a notable level of self-reliance among students, manifested in their ability to complete tasks autonomously and adhere to schedules. Positive communication and collaboration between parents and students are observed, fostering a conducive learning environment. The study underscores the importance of nurturing self-reliance in elementary students for successful online learning and provides valuable insights for educators and policymakers aiming to optimize remote education at the elementary level.


  1. Student Autonomy: Second graders excel independently in navigating online learning environments.
  2. Parental Support: Positive parental engagement enhances children's online learning experience.
  3. Educational Impact: Fostering self-reliance in elementary students optimizes online education strategies.

Keywoard: Elementary Education, Self-Reliance, Online Learning, Parent-Student Interaction, Qualitative Research
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