Organization of The Process of Teaching Left-Handed Children in Primary School
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coordination skill
fine motor skills of the hands

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Berdikhanova G, Sadikova G, Kendjaeva D, Yakupbaeva M, Omarova A, & Tursunbaeva M. (2022). Organization of The Process of Teaching Left-Handed Children in Primary School. Indonesian Journal of Innovation Studies, 19.


There is an ambiguous attitude towards left-handedness in society, some consider it a serious disadvantage, others - a manifestation of genius. The existence of such extreme points of view indicates that this phenomenon is poorly understood. The relevance of the chosen topic lies in the fact that left-handed children are increasingly found in the practice of modern primary schools, work with whom until recently was aimed at retraining, adjusting them to a common standard, but now psychologists and teachers have studied in more detail the nature of left-handedness and came to the conclusion that retraining can adversely affect the child's psyche.
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