The article discusses some peculiarities of expressing the meaning of emotivity. It also deals with the works of famous linguists.
1. Аrutyunova N.D. Predlojenie i yego smыsl. Logiko- semanticheskie problemi. - M.: Nauka, 1976. - 382s. Belyaeva Ye.I. Grammatika i pragmatika pobujdeniya. Voronej: Izd-vo Voronej.universiteta, 1992.- 167s.
2. Bondarko A.B. Grammaticheskoe znachenie i smisl. -JI.: B.i., 1978.- 175 s.
3. Gak V.G. Sintaksis emotsiy i otsenok// Funktsionalnaya semantika: otsenka, ekspressivnost, modalnost. - M.: RАN Instituta yazikoznaniya, 1996. - 16
4. Gak V.G. Sintaksis emotsii i otsenok // Funktsionalnaya semantika: otsenka, ekspressivnos, modalnost. - M.: RАN. Instituta yazikoznaniya, 1996. - S.20
5. Bondarko A.B. Funktsionalnaya grammatika. — JL: Nauka, 1984. – 133 s.
6. Waygla E.А. Emotsionalnaya leksika sovremennogo russkogo yazika i problemi yee perevoda: (na russko-estonskom materiale): Аvtoref. dis. ... kand. filol. nauk. - M., 1978. - 21s.
7. Kojina M.N. Stilistika russkogo yazika. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop.- M.: Prosvesheniye, 1983 - 223s.
8. Medinskaya V.L. Ob implitsitnix strukturax ... I Filol. nauki. - 1971. - № 3. - S.38.
9. Mukhammadieva Nigina Mahmudovna, & Sharopova Feruza. (2021). LINGUISTIC MEANS OF EXPRESSING EMOTIONS IN ENGLISH. Euro-Asia Conferences, 34–36. Retrieved from http://papers.euroasiaconference.com/index.php/eac/article/view/527
10. NIGINA, MUXAMMADIEVA. "TYPES AND BASIC FUNCTIONS OF EMOTIONS." https://media.neliti.com/media/publications/342764-types-and-basic-functionsof-emotions-e7bb039e.pdf
11. Mahmudovna, M. N., & Feruza, S. (2021). Terminological Studies of the Category of Emotivity in the Text. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH AND INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES, 2, 95–97. Retrieved from
12. Mahmudovna, M. N. (2022). Linguistic means of expressing emotions: emotional constructions. Integration of Pragmalinguistics, Functional Translation Studies and Language Teaching Processes, 101-103. https://scholar.google.com/scholar?oi=bibs&hl=ru&q=related:aHlbdYRStooJ:schola
2. Bondarko A.B. Grammaticheskoe znachenie i smisl. -JI.: B.i., 1978.- 175 s.
3. Gak V.G. Sintaksis emotsiy i otsenok// Funktsionalnaya semantika: otsenka, ekspressivnost, modalnost. - M.: RАN Instituta yazikoznaniya, 1996. - 16
4. Gak V.G. Sintaksis emotsii i otsenok // Funktsionalnaya semantika: otsenka, ekspressivnos, modalnost. - M.: RАN. Instituta yazikoznaniya, 1996. - S.20
5. Bondarko A.B. Funktsionalnaya grammatika. — JL: Nauka, 1984. – 133 s.
6. Waygla E.А. Emotsionalnaya leksika sovremennogo russkogo yazika i problemi yee perevoda: (na russko-estonskom materiale): Аvtoref. dis. ... kand. filol. nauk. - M., 1978. - 21s.
7. Kojina M.N. Stilistika russkogo yazika. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop.- M.: Prosvesheniye, 1983 - 223s.
8. Medinskaya V.L. Ob implitsitnix strukturax ... I Filol. nauki. - 1971. - № 3. - S.38.
9. Mukhammadieva Nigina Mahmudovna, & Sharopova Feruza. (2021). LINGUISTIC MEANS OF EXPRESSING EMOTIONS IN ENGLISH. Euro-Asia Conferences, 34–36. Retrieved from http://papers.euroasiaconference.com/index.php/eac/article/view/527
10. NIGINA, MUXAMMADIEVA. "TYPES AND BASIC FUNCTIONS OF EMOTIONS." https://media.neliti.com/media/publications/342764-types-and-basic-functionsof-emotions-e7bb039e.pdf
11. Mahmudovna, M. N., & Feruza, S. (2021). Terminological Studies of the Category of Emotivity in the Text. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH AND INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES, 2, 95–97. Retrieved from
12. Mahmudovna, M. N. (2022). Linguistic means of expressing emotions: emotional constructions. Integration of Pragmalinguistics, Functional Translation Studies and Language Teaching Processes, 101-103. https://scholar.google.com/scholar?oi=bibs&hl=ru&q=related:aHlbdYRStooJ:schola

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