Folklore, especially fairy tales, which is distinguished by its weight in fiction, plays an important role in the proper upbringing of children. The main role of fairy tales in the way of life is to prepare the ground for the young generation to become harmoniously developed people. The article compares the similarities between the Uzbek and French folk tales "Three Brothers" and Charles Perrault's "The Cat in the Etiquette". There were many similarities in the tales created by different cultures, different religions, based on evidence.
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Shamsidinovna, M. N., & Akmalovna, A. M. Improving the Living Standards of the Population by Measuring the Digital Transformation in Services. JournalNX, 282-286.
Shamsidinovna, M. N., & Akmalovna, A. M. Improving the Living Standards of the Population by Measuring the Digital Transformation in Services. JournalNX, 282-286.
Shamsidinovna, Mansurova N., and Norboev A. Ismoilovich. "Conceptual Bases of Formation of Innovative Types of Employment in the Labor Market." JournalNX, 2021, pp. 287-291.

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