“Jane Eyre” and “Wide Sargasso Sea” are regarded as the masterpieces that vividly express the
elements of feminism. Before analyzing and proving this idea,it is necessary to determine and define
the concept of feminism.One of the best works was Charlotte Bronte’s “Jane Eyre”. At that time, for
Jane, as a member of the lowest class, she is always looked down upon by those potentates with
money and power. For people like her, they have no dignity; the rich can treat them at random and
need not bother to give them any esteem. But Jane Eyre never surrenders to those snobbish people
who despise the poor and the weak parochially and ruthlessly. In her whole life, she plunges herself
into struggling for esteem which in her mind is deserved by any human being rather than a privilege
for the wealthy people.
Resolution No. 824 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to improve the system related to the organization of the educational process in higher education institutions" (December 31, 2020) // https://www.norma.uz/ kredit-modul_tizimi
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Kurbanova G, Yuldasheva Sh, Principles of organizing independent work. Scientific-methodical journal of language and literature education, 2021 issue 3. Page 10

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