This study investigates the effectiveness of six milling machines at PT. INKA, a railroad car manufacturing company, focusing on CNC Plano 133 and Horizontal Milling 142. Utilizing Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and Age Replacement methods, the research aims to optimize machine performance and propose preventive maintenance strategies. Data spanning from January 2021 to December 2022 were collected and analyzed. Results indicate that both CNC Plano 133 and Horizontal Milling 142 exhibit suboptimal OEE values, primarily due to breakdown losses. Applying Age Replacement within 10 days significantly enhances reliability, with post-replacement reliability reaching 100%. The findings underscore the importance of preventive maintenance in improving milling machine reliability and overall productivity, thereby enhancing competitiveness and sustainability in the manufacturing sector.
Improved productivity: Preventive maintenance boosts milling machines' reliability and effectiveness.
Resource efficiency: Analyzing OEE minimizes downtime, optimizes production output.
Competitive edge: Enhanced performance sustains competitiveness, strengthens manufacturing sector's sustainability.
Keyword: Milling machines, Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), Preventive maintenance, Age Replacement, Manufacturing industry
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