Indonesia's Breakthrough in Efficient Shellfish Cleaning Transforms Seafood Industry
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Bloody Cockles
Cleaning Tool
Morphological Method
Seafood Processing

How to Cite

Setiawan, A. R. D., Jakaria, R. B., Sari , I. A., & Sukmono, T. (2024). Indonesia’s Breakthrough in Efficient Shellfish Cleaning Transforms Seafood Industry. Indonesian Journal of Innovation Studies, 25(2), DOI 10.21070/ijins.v25i2.1133.


This research aims to design an efficient cleaning tool for bloody cockles to help business actors meet high demand with limited production systems. Conducted in Sidoarjo, data was collected from literature, government reports, and interviews with local business actors, revealing that manual processing of 50 kg of cockles takes 6-8 hours. Using the morphological method, several design concepts were evaluated for maintenance ease, performance, safety, and durability. The selected design (concept 3) showed the highest efficiency with a 37.5% score. This tool is expected to reduce cleaning time and improve outcomes, enhancing productivity and quality in the seafood processing industry.


  1. Efficient Design: Reduces cleaning time from 6-8 hours significantly.
  2. High Demand: Meets increased consumer demand with limited resources.
  3. Optimal Concept: Concept 3 excels in maintenance, safety, and efficiency.

Keywoard: Bloody Cockles, Cleaning Tool, Morphological Method, Efficiency, Seafood Processing
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