Organization of the Lesson Process on the Basis of Innovative Educational Technologies in Geography
Innovation in Computer Science
DOI: 10.21070/ijins.v18i.587

Organization of the Lesson Process on the Basis of Innovative Educational Technologies in Geography

Teacher of geography and basics of economics, secondary school No 295, Uchtepa district, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

(*) Corresponding Author

innovative teaching simulation method modern technology multimedia tools problem-solving


this article provides information on the establishment of a modern and innovative educational environment in the teaching of geography science. Geographical education is said to be a reliable basis for studying countries and the planet.Sufficient recommendations have been made to increase efficiency in geography.

Geography is arguably the only science that provides a holistic view of the Earth as a human planet. It also shapes the overall culture, including the environmental culture, which is a necessary set for making management decisions at all levels. Another important aspect of science is how to combine data from multiple sources, using a specific language of international communication - a geographical map. Geographical education as a common home for humanity is a reliable basis for studying our country and our planet. It is this education that provides a conscious understanding of the diversity and unity of the modern world and humanity. Students need to accumulate a great deal of geographical knowledge in order to understand the material, spiritual, and cultural values ​​that surround them and the meaning of human existence in space. In the organization of the educational process using new pedagogical technologies, great importance is attached to modern textbooks for schoolchildren. It is no secret that the main tool of teaching is still a textbook with an atlas. At the same time, effective teaching involves the use of a number of other teaching aids (programs, instructions, textbooks) called a set of teaching aids. However, in addition to teaching materials, other textbooks are used: audiovisual and screen-audio, as well as various interactive teaching aids (multimedia encyclopedias and manuals, customized software and methodological kits, etc.). similar electronic textbooks, test programs). The use of modular learning technology in science is effective.

With the mastery of any new technology, the teacher begins a new pedagogical thinking: the clarity of the methodological language, its structure, the emergence of a sound norm in the methodology. By using pedagogical technologies in the classroom, we can be sure that we can achieve good results and look at the process of teaching geography from a new perspective.

The development and implementation of smart devices is also used in our schools, for example, smart bells and various sensors that measure room temperature. In addition, we can create modern training rooms depending on the seismic detection device, photoelectric converter device, thermoelectric converter device. The use of cloud technologies in data storage has become very useful.

It will be useful for the student to be active and not distracted in the classroom, and the quality of education will increase. In this process, we propose the following:

- introduce modeling technologies into the teaching process due to the lack of imagination of students in the educational process;

- virtually create a workflow and display the results in cases where the practical use of technical equipment in the classroom is not possible;

- analysis on the basis of modeled objects;

- demonstration of chemicals;

- in geography lessons, maps and models of cities can be used effectively.

Currently, various pedagogical innovations are used in geography lessons. Nevertheless, the following are the most characteristic innovative technologies. How to use information and communication technologies (ICT) in teaching the subject. The inclusion of ICT in the content of the educational process involves the integration of different subject areas with computer science, which leads to the informatization of the minds of students and their understanding of the processes of informatization in modern society (in its professional direction). There is a lot of practical experience in the application of innovative projects in information systems. It is important to understand the emerging trends in the process of informatization of schools: from the acquisition of basic information about computer science by schoolchildren to the use of computer programs in the study of general technologies. As a result, new information technologies will appear in the school's methodological system, and school graduates will be trained to master new information technologies in their future work. This will be achieved through the introduction of new subjects in the curriculum, including computer science and ICT. Experience with ICT in the classroom has shown that:

a) The open school information environment, which includes various forms of distance learning, significantly increases students' motivation to learn subjects, especially through the use of project-based methods;

b) Informatization of teaching is attractive to the student, in which the psychological stress of communication in school shifts from the subjective relationship "teacher-student" to the most objective relationship "student-computer-teacher" The tooth is removed with the work efficiency of the students. The share of creative work will increase, there will be an opportunity to learn more about a subject within the school walls, and in the future there will be a purposeful selection of school, prestigious work;

c) Informatization of teaching is attractive for the teacher, allows him to increase his work efficiency, enhances the general information culture of the teacher.

The following pedagogical paradigms can be realized in the process of teaching geography using innovative teaching methods: - the humane paradigm of education, where the main value is a certain person - his inner space, the specificity of the individual cognitive process; - Technocratic paradigm of education - the concept of the value of the existence of objective reality based on proven and tested knowledge, as well as experimental interactions with the environment; - The historical paradigm of education, which studies the specific historical conditions of the existence of society and the ways and forms of life of society associated with them. The essence of innovative teaching is that in the learning process the student becomes his subject, that is, he learns to change himself when the development of it as a side-by-side and random result becomes the main task, and o ' the anthill, as well as the reader himself. In this regard, it is necessary to identify such psychological or pedagogical conditions that allow students to demonstrate maximum independence and activity during the learning process, as well as to advance in intellectual and personal development.


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