Speaking From Reading Science by Working on Text
Innovation in Education
DOI: 10.21070/ijins.v17i.586

Speaking From Reading Science by Working on Text

Master of the Department of Primary Education, Gulistan State University
Master of the Department of Primary Education, Gulistan State University

(*) Corresponding Author

research speech education psychology principle elementary school work art


The article analyzes the methodological rules and principles of speech development in primary school reading lessons.

The normative bases on the programs of the international assessment of development of students' speech on the basis of PIRLS research methods in the state and non-state preschool educational institutions, in the period of primary education are created in the Republic, material and technical base of primary education improved. The Action Strategy for the Further Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan states: , educating hard-working people ”were identified as priorities. It also requires the improvement of students' speech development methods from the earliest stages of education. The basis of radical change and renewal in the social life of society is determined by the education system at all times and in all places. Proper and rational organization of social relations, firstly, ensures a positive solution to the problem, secondly, saves time, and thirdly, the emergence of a process of sincere communication. One of the most important factors in this process is speech. It is psychologically and biologically proven that speech is not only the process of expressing ideas, exchanging information, using language tools or its derivatives, but also the basis for developing an individual's intellectual potential. For this reason, special attention is paid to the development of speech in the younger generation from early childhood.

In every country, in the field of education, the development of children's speech is recognized as a key component of the system. In Uzbekistan, too, the early stages of continuing education - pre-school and primary education - have been identified as an important area of ​​the pedagogical process. The formation of a global information and innovative educational environment, the growing social need for the development of human capital also requires the full development of the younger generation, the use of intellectual development speech opportunities.

The subject of "reading" is the main subject in primary school. After all, with the help of this subject, students' literacy is achieved, based on the recognition and teaching of letters, interest in books, reading books, and knowledge about the

environment is enriched. One of the main tasks of the subject is to develop the ability to work on the text in primary school students, to ensure its development into skills. The texts in the textbook play an important role in the development of speech skills in primary school students. The main purpose of reading lessons in primary school is to prepare students to understand the content of the text, to read consciously and expressively, to comprehend the information given in the text, to react to the reality expressed in the text.

It is well-known that speech is a way of expressing one's thoughts and feelings. Students will also learn this feature by studying the examples of literary texts in the Primary Textbooks. The literary text expresses the content of the work of art, is functionally complete, formed on the basis of the pictorial possibilities of the language, can freely combine different styles according to the artistic intent of the author, has the ability to give aesthetic pleasure to the listener or reader Therefore, there are ample opportunities for speech development when working on a literary text.

Primary reading refers to the systematic and continuous nature of learning activities while working on a text. In primary school reading lessons, small-volume texts on topics that are familiar to students in their daily activities are used, but gradually, on the basis of evolutionary development, they are introduced to new knowledge, enriching speech with new terms. texts that allow.

Literary text. They are analyzed on the basis of the following methodological rules:

1) the process of formation of complete reading skills is carried out simultaneously with the analysis of the content of the work;

2) the ideological content of the work, its symbols, plot and composition, the explanation of the artistic means, effectively contributes to the development of the student's personality and develops his connected speech;

3) one of the necessary conditions for a conscious understanding and analysis of the content of the work is to rely on the life experience of students;

4) The analysis of the work of art takes into account the need to activate students' curiosity, expand their knowledge of the environment and shape their scientific worldview

The following are some of the most important principles for ensuring continuity in the process of developing speech by working on text in elementary school reading lessons:

  1. The principle of taking into account the characteristics of age.
  2. The principle of a practical approach.
  3. The principle of emotional-aesthetic approach.
  4. The principle of systemicity and continuity.
  5. The principle of art and expressiveness.
  6. The principle of interactivity and awareness.
  7. Demonstration principle.
  8. The principle of multiplicity.
  9. The principle of interdisciplinary connection.
  10. The principle of cooperation.

In short, the development of students' speech is especially important in the development of well-rounded, free-thinking individuals. Text-based speech development in primary school is an effective way to achieve this. This requires that speech development be organized on a priority basis.


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