Some lexical features of the French puzzles
Innovation in Education
DOI: 10.21070/ijins.v7i0.32

Some lexical features of the French puzzles

National University of Uzbekistan

(*) Corresponding Author

Lexical features french puzzles theoritical points mehods folklore


This paper investigates some lexical features of the french puzzles. On this case both theoritical and practical points were analysed and lexical investigation were mentioned. The way of French puzzles was discussed with methodolocial features as the whole. Finally, concluded different ideas were stated for the further development as the whole.


The puzzle is one of the oldest and most popular genres of folklore. It reflects the wishes , thoughts and the world of the people. The peculiarity of the riddle is that it plays an important role in the psycho- physiological development of the child , as a result of systematic , continuous , planned cognition, observation, intelligence and sensitivity . This ability will lead to the development of life experience and scientific knowledge with the help of puzzles and broadening of world outlook . The puzzles in French - "devinette", "Enigme", "charade" in Uzbek are known as " problems ", " chistons ", "puzzles", " glosses ", which are described differently . "The puzzle is known and expressed in a particular subject in its origin , function and dialectic of life", "... the puzzle is the key to the word image."

When a puzzle is told , it is necessary to think carefully about it , to understand what it is referring to, and to try to find out or to predict which subject the main features and signs of the puzzle are aimed at. If there is some difficulty in finding it , it is common for all nations to ask "live" or " inanimate " to ease it .

Theoritical background

After that it was said to be "live" or " dead " if no response was found . If not found again , there are questions such as " where is ", "how", "hard", "soft". It is easy to find the answer to this little puzzle. If the answer to a question about certain properties of a hidden object is not solved , the respondent will be asked to give the respondent "city" or " fortress " so that he can answer it himself . Anyone who can't answer the puzzle gives "city". But the puzzle- taker must also know the answer to his puzzle. "a pious sinner who does not know his anger ."

If we look at the history of the puzzles, we can say no until the puzzle is revealed , or the "city" is embarrassed by many who don't know the answer . Avoiding embarrassment can lead to a lot of learning , answering puzzling questions, developing mental capacity , and being responsive. The words used in the search for the answer are very important.

mange de tout et peut être mangé.

Mammifère, il a environ 8 à 15 petits à la fois.

Il a 4 pattes et une petite queue, il est souvent rose. (Le cochon)

In the person's knowledge, he first of all relies on the senses and takes a lively view. In the first line of this puzzle, the illustration of Il mange de tout et peut être mangé encourages us to look at its character, and when it is called Mammifère, it serves to reveal another facet of it. The phrase "il a environ 8 15 15 petit à la fois" has its own designation. While the phrase "4 a pattes et une petite queue" also calls attention again, the most important key ingredient is the phrase est souvent rose in the last line. This last verse helps people to know what they think.

When analyzing lexical features of puzzles, it is necessary to stop first on the types of words in the puzzle structure. As you know, word structure is broken down into simple words, double words, words, and repetitions. We can observe all sorts of lexemes in puzzles.

For example:

J'ai une cage sans barreau, ni porte ni fenêtre. Qui suis-je? (un oeuf) - I have a cage without a fence, the door is open. Who I am?

Main part

In the puzzle, cage is a simple word, and simple words in the puzzle will help you find the answer. The word cage is directly related to the word oeuf - the egg. If Sans barreau indicates that the word is not really a cage, ni porte and ni fenêtre indicate that it is closed.

The language of puzzles is characterized by its close proximity to every language, including lexically vibrant folklore. The more common types of words are used in the language of the people, the more they will be in the language of folklore. In addition, puzzling text uses conflicting words and conflicting words for specific purposes. The phenomenon of consonance is described in the literature: “Lexemes are synonymous with the same shape but with different colors and shades. The relationship between synonymous lexeme is called synonymy or synonymy. ” Thus, although the synonymic lexemes have the same meaning, there is a subtle methodological difference between them.

Like other units of language, puzzles also have their meaning. Because puzzles are a means of sharpening the mind of the child, the text uses various forms of speech, in terms of volume, weight, and content, to convey the features of the concept.

In French:

Beaucoup de personnes m'aiment parce que je raconte des histoires. Je ne suis pas un arbre, mais j'ai beaucoup de feuilles. Qui suis– je? (Le livre.)

In the text of the puzzles, there are conflicting words, that is, antonyms. Different shapes and words have conflicting meanings. They are referred to in the literature as antonym. Antonyms are a contradictory relationship between lexemes: large and small, young and old, small and large, black and white, and so on.

In the puzzles of the people, both the original antonyms and the textual antonyms are widely expressed.

For example, the original antonyms:

J e suis overté blanche terre, j’ai semé noir blé. (crayon et papier)

Antonyms in puzzles help to clarify the conceptual features that need to be found.

Translate: je suis overté blanche terre, j’ai semé noir blé.(crayon et papier) Je suis noir, je deviens rouge, et je finis blanc... ( charbon )blanche” and “noir” the antonym used to reflect the external features of crayon and papier. It is through these antonyms that the puzzle of the puzzle is formed. If it were in the form of "je suis overté terre, j'ai semé blé," the puzzle would be confused and confused to find the answer to the riddle.


Therefore, the lexical features of the puzzles are unique and it is an interesting and ongoing process. Undoubtedly, every word in the text of the treasures of the people is masterfully chosen by our wise people. In particular, they include double and repetitive words, interchangeable synonyms, antonymic words, and ancient, dialects, and puzzles that are not used in modern literary language. They will definitely help us find the answer.


We hereby say thankyou to National University of Uzbekistan for supporting our research.


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