This page describes the significance of the concept of computing, as well as the development of uzbek culture in the community. in particular, the concept of "beauty" is strongly influenced by the author's views on the interconnectedness of the education. It conludes with the major points of the research.
One of the new areas of development in Uzbek linguistics today is linguoculturology and cognitive linguistics. The concept is a scientific term that has emerged from these two important areas, and has a national-mental nature that serves as a common point of contact between the two disciplines. Beauty has always been the focus of humanity. In fact, it acted as an aesthetic category for the control of human thoughts and thoughts. There are times when this category is of primary importance in the management of state and society. As a result, the mentality of different peoples has different views on beauty. In particular, the Uzbek national mentality is the first associated with the concept of beauty: the concept of women and love. Therefore, it is important that the beauty category is studied by gender.
Changes in the development of society and the state require renewal and change in the human mind. Today, with a world of more than a thousand years of experience, the minds of the peoples of the world have come up with an unconscious axiom that "Beauty saves the world." The reason for this is that beauty has a great impact not only on human life but also on the psyche. Analysis of the concept of "beauty" in language and society for the first time in Uzbek based on paremiological, lexical-phraseological units, aphorisms, wing words, and its peculiarities. the cultural, linguistic and aesthetic features of the study, emphasizing the importance of the spiritual, world-view, national philosophy, the idea that language and the people are inseparable.
Based on these considerations, the extent to which the concept of “beauty” in the Uzbek national-mental nature is defined and its associative base as well as the necessary generalizations determine the relevance of the topic.
Literature review
In modern anthropocentric sciences, many philosophical, national-mental, scientific, and socio-political concepts are explored as concepts. In particular, the concept of "woman" and many associative concepts related to it have been studied in world linguistics. For example, F.B. Mukhutdinova conducted research on the concept of "woman" in French linguistics, V.V. Vukuk and Y.V.Belik in English linguistics, L.V. Adonina in Russian culture, R.S. Ibragimova in Uzbek cultural studies. In addition, M.A. Andreyyanova conducted research on the concept of "motherhood", linguists O.A. Ahibisheva and N.A. Paskova within the concept of "woman." Research at the Moscow State University within the framework of the concept of "love" is also noteworthy. As you can see, the most widely used concept in linguistics is the "female" concept. The other concepts are also micro or macro concepts learned around it.
It should be noted that up until now the concept of "beauty" has not been studied in Uzbek linguistics. However, under the concepts of "time", "memory", master's and candidate's research is being conducted. Increasing research within the concept is certainly the greatest achievement of linguocognitive linguistics. This is because the cognitive worldview of a particular linguistic understanding of scientific, domestic, social, political, psychological, and sociological - as a whole, causes the urgent question of studying the mentality of the nation and its attitude. The cultural concept is multifaceted because there are different perspectives on its structure. From Shusabab, the concept is complicated mentholomplex. The concept extends beyond the control of the individual to the individual. It may be possible to use a soundproof concept.
As a component of the concept, you can:
1. Universal or universal.
2. National-cultural. Describes the cultural life of people.
3. Describes social, ie, social characteristics of people.
4. Describes the group, adverbs.
5. Individual-individual.
These features are interconnected and conceptualized.
All concepts can be classified as following:
1. The world - time, date, morning, night, home country.
2. Nature, flowers, plants, trees, water, fire, earth.
3. Human characteristics - intelligence, stupidity, old age, knowledge, beauty, youth.
4. Spiritual concepts - conscience, truth, justice.
5. Social relations - freedom, friendship and entertainment.
6. Emotional concepts - happiness, joy, joy, sadness.
7.Scientific science conceptual space - philosophy, philology, mathematics, biology, physics.
8. Art conceptual space - architecture, calligraphy, dance, music, painting, sculpture.
The classification of this classification is considered as the most diverse of all nationalities and hospiceans in terms of general, chunkic concepts and vocationaltourism.
Main part
The conceptualization of the concept was based on the use of the conceptosospherater in theevoculturalvoculturology. Conceptosferatermin is the first to be used by Dr.S.Lixachev. Some educators have banned the use of concepts, including the system. It is based on the practical knowledge of people around the world.
In particular, the universal concepts of culture and culture represent universal concepts - space, time, destiny, peace, fire, water, truth, law, and love. According to the American psychologist D.Miller, each culture is represented by the selfsubjects in the culture and in the culture. This will create an indispensable self-oscosseptosferencing.
To define the concept of the concept, please do the following:
- Determination of the use of the concept in verbal competence, control of the use of fiction.
- Explain the concept of the whole world and its role in the cyclic cycles.
According to the political sociology of the concept.
- Monitor access to articles and materials; their use in texts: artistic, scientific, philosophical, publicist.
- Comparison of Analyzed Concepts with the Variants of Use of Variants; for example, comparing the concepts of time and future.
- Explain the concepts of painting, music and sculpture
- The conceptualization of the conceptualisationofinformation is considered to be a consideration of the specifics.
The following conclusions are presented in the conceptual study:
1. The concept of anthropocentricparadigmasis the main sources of development of a number of subjects, in particular cognitive science, psycholingvistavalingvoculturology.
2.Exposition of the concept handbook.
3. Conceptual and Voculturological association describes the historical perspectives of the representation of non-Muslim people.
4. The concept does not have to be included in the links.
5. Multiple interconnections form and conceptualize.
6. Conceptualization of conceptual understanding of concepts
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