Main objectives of mental education
Innovation in Education
DOI: 10.21070/ijins.v8i0.285

Main objectives of mental education

AsAssociate docent“Social sciences”Karshiengeneering and economics inctitute (Uzbekistan

(*) Corresponding Author

mental education intellectual skills development of thinking thought logic inductive abstract classificiation worldview


The relevance of this problem lies in the fact that mental education is an important and at the same time the most difficult section of work in the development of the child, the development of the child occurs both in the course of communication with an adult, playing with pears, and in the process of systematic learning. Themost important role in this is played by this process of mental education carried out in the classroom. The mental upbringing of the child appears not only as the mastery of knowledge and ways of mental activity, but also as the formation of certain personality traits.


In our country, special attention is paid to the education of a harmoniously developed young generation. “In high school, children are formed as individuals, rallying as a team,” said the head of our state. It is during this period that they cannot be excommunicated from an adapted, familiar environment. This can negatively affect the psychology of youth, its attendance, and, ultimately, the level of education and upbringing. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the continuity of the educational process, to improve the curriculum.

The definition of mental education and mental development included the concepts of “thinking” and “mental strength”.

Thinking is a “mediated and generalized knowledge of a person's objects and phenomena of objective reality in their essential relationships and relationships. (1) It is a product of brain activity. Thought is always an abstraction, i.e. distraction from concrete reality, the result of processing by the brain of specific sensory data. Thinking as a whole is a generic concept that is common to all people. A separate individual in the process of development forms such qualities that characterize certain certain sides or forms of thinking that are developed more intensively in accordance with the tasks that are set in the process of education.

In pedagogical and psychological literature addressed to the teacher, one can often find calls and recommendations to develop both thinking in general and its particular types. (2) Among these types are called dialectical thinking, logical, abstract, generalized, categorical, theoretical, inductive and deductive, algorithmic, technical, reproductive and productive, creative systemic. In order for the teacher to be able to develop all these types of thinking in students, he must present at least in a general way their essence.

Thus, dialectical thinking presupposes the ability to see in the phenomenon of unity of opposites the struggle of these opposites to identify trends in their development to see the emergence of new ones.

Logical thinking is associated with a person’s mastery of the logical processing of knowledge, that is, the establishment of generalized connections between new knowledge and previously studied material, bringing them into a certain ordered system. It is characterized by the ability to give a definition of concepts as well as mastering the methods of reasoning of proof of refutation, the conclusion of conclusions and the assumption.

Theoritical background

Abstract thinking involves the ability of a person to be distracted from non-essential secondary features to highlight the general and essential and on this basis to form abstract concepts.

Generalized thinking is characterized by the ability to find general principles or modes of action that apply to a certain group of phenomena, while the level of generalization of its breadth depends on whether this general approach extends to a larger or smaller group.

Categorical thinking involves the ability to combine the concepts of a group on the basis of some of the most significant signs of similarity.

Theoretical thinking is characterized by the ability to assimilate knowledge of a high level of generalization to understand the scientific foundations and principles of development of certain areas of knowledge; the ability to discern the relationships and patterns existing between the phenomena of relations.

Inductive thinking presupposes the movement of thought from the particular to the general from facts to generalizations, a conclusion both in scientific research and in communicating new knowledge to students.

Deductive thinking is associated with the thought process characterized by the movement of thought from the general to the particular unit.

Algorithmic thinking implies the ability to accurately follow instructions or instructions indicating a strict sequence in the performance of certain actions ensuring the desired result. Typically, these requirements are generalized, the solution of which is greatly facilitated if the algorithm is firmly grasped that determines the sequence of required actions.

Technical thinking, as the defining word itself shows, is associated with mental activity in the process of engineering work. It involves an understanding of the scientific foundations and general principles of production processes, a person’s psychological readiness to work with technology.

Main part

Reproductive characterizes mental activity related to the actualization of acquired knowledge to solve problems of a known type or to perform actions in familiar conditions.

Productive thinking is associated with an independent decision by a person of new tasks previously unknown to him, which is accomplished both by relying on knowledge already known to him and by attracting new data to the methods and means necessary to solve them. It is generally associated with any activity the result of which is the products of creativity or any improvements rationalization of the process of the activity in which the person is engaged

Systemic thinking is manifested in a person’s ability to see the connections between sciences, to understand the general scientific laws underlying their development, to have generalized ideas about the laws of development of nature and society.

Thinking is studied by a number of sciences-logic, psychology, philosophy, linguistics. The pedagogical aspect of the formation of thinking is associated with the identification of conditions, ways and means of developing thinking in students in the educational process.

By mental forces is meant a certain degree of development of the mind, which makes a person capable of accumulating knowledge, performing basic mental operations, mastering certain intellectual skills associated with various aspects of thinking and characterizing the mental activity of a person.

Not a single valuable quality of the mind necessary for intellectual and active cognitive activity can develop without a reserve of systematized knowledge. The volume of this knowledge, correlated with the idea of ​​education, is naturally a relative concept, since it is characterized primarily by the level of cultural development of society. Knowledge also includes ideas about the areas and ways of applying this knowledge; knowledge of the methods of their use; understanding of the place of each given piece of knowledge in the general system of scientific representation of the world.

Mental development and the ability to think also involves mastering the basic mental operations, which include analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification. Thus, analysis is the mental decomposition of the whole into parts or the mental separation of its individual properties.

Synthesis is a thoughtful combination of parts of objects or separate sides of phenomena, their signs and properties. Being operations opposite to each other, they are at the same time inextricably linked.


The comparison consists in establishing the similarity or difference between objects or phenomena according to any sign or series of signs, allocated in a certain sequence.

Among the intellectual skills that must be mastered in order to successfully learn, so-called learning skills, or learning activity skills, stand out in a special group; these skills have a fairly wide scope and are formed in the system of a number of educational disciplines.

Common learning skills include reading, listening, verbally expressing your thoughts, writing, and working with a book. In the program, these skills are considered for each audience with a gradual complication of their structure and the requirements for them.

The ability to read is characterized by expressiveness, consciousness, correct pronunciation of words, sounds, intonation, pace, faithful reading of various texts by genre, style.

The ability to listen includes listening to reading, lectures by the teacher, answers, messages of colleagues and is characterized by the duration of focused attention, the ability, if necessary, to evaluate, analyze and write a review of the heard message.

The ability to verbally articulate and express one’s thoughts is manifested in answers to questions, a description of a picture, a thematic picture, retelling of what was read or heard, in a description of observation, a statement of one’s thoughts on a topic, and asking questions in a text. It seems that these are the most common skills of the culture of mental labor. helping knowledge acquisition, skills of independent work and broader skills, united by the concept of a culture of mental work, can be attributed.

The concept of the culture of mental labor usually embodies the idea of ​​the ability to rationally organize the mode of mental work, to develop a certain system, the ability to do everything accurately and accurately, to keep the workplace and materials in order. The effectiveness of mental work is greatly improved if a person adheres to a certain system in work, the organization of the workplace, the system of arrangement of training materials and manuals. Culture of mental culture also requires knowledge of the general rules of mental activity and the ability to follow them in their work. Knowing the general rules and recommendations helps those who are far away to develop their own style of mental work that meets the individuality of each, optimally adapted to it.

Mastering the culture of mental labor helps to turn on more easily and engage in intense intellectual activity longer. Skills and skills of independent work include both all general educational skills and all skills related to the development of the correct mode of mental work, the organization of the workplace, and the creation of a certain system of mental work. In addition, independent work involves the development of a number of special qualities necessary for mastering knowledge in any field: the ability to work with concentration and attention; perseverance in overcoming difficulties; the development of memory and the use of its various forms of logical, visual, the ability to conduct observation and recording; mastery of some rational ways of mental actions; the ability to control yourself.


General qualities necessary for the formation of skills of independent cognitive activity are developed primarily by the whole range of educational and educational influences. The general methods of independent work need to be taught specifically, paying special attention to this in the lessons, orienting students to the fact that in the future they will have to continuously replenish their knowledge both in the continuing education system and in the process of self-education.

Some of the more specific intellectual skills were mentioned above when characterizing certain types of thinking. A special place in this series is occupied by such an intellectual skill as transfer, which means the ability to use fairly generalized methods and techniques of action, learned when studying one type of educational material, for mastering another.

The mental development of the child, as noted by G.M. Dulnev, is not an automatic learning outcome. Mental activity is corrected, improved only with specially organized, purposeful training (5. p. 32-33)

Skills related to the application of knowledge may include the ability to rely on conjecture or intuition. By intuition is meant the ability of a person to find solutions, to come to the right conclusion on an organic and even insufficient amount of initial data with the omission of certain stages in the discussion. The development of intuition is very important for any creative work, for conducting scientific research, when foresight, or intuition, provides the basis for the formulation of hypotheses, helps to solve individual scientific problems.


Currently, great importance is attached to the development of students' ability to anticipate the onset of certain events, to obtain certain results as a result of decisions made. It is noted that in the system of causal dependencies of students relatively easily find the causes of certain actions or the decision made. Foresight as a high-level intellectual skill is based primarily on the assimilation of general laws in nature, social life, science and includes the ability to observe, analyze, compare, establish connections between phenomena, identify development trends by making inferences by analogy, as well as mastering the methods of inductive and deductive thinking.


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