Ecological terms in “baburnama”
Innovation in Ecology
DOI: 10.21070/ijins.v8i0.277

Ecological terms in “baburnama”

Doctor of Philosophy in Philology (PhD) Uzbekistan, Andizhan state university

(*) Corresponding Author

ecological aspects lexical units Baburnama fauna and flora pomologic terms hyper-hyponimic relation acclimatication purify atmosphere animal words hydronyms


The article is devoted to determine the tasks of ecolinguistics as a new branch of linguistics on the one hand, to throw light to the historical-etymological, lexical-semantic peculiarities of the lexical units used in “Baburnama” from the point of drew of ecology, as they make up a separate, system, consisting of definite subsystems.


Ecology, originally devoid of biology, has now become one of the most modern disciplines covering hundreds of branches and approaches such as special ecology, demecology, industrial ecology, agricultural ecology, evolutionary ecology, space ecology, global ecology, human ecology, and social ecology.

The ecolinguistics takes a significant stand among the branches of ecology. According to experts, the ecology covers more than ten thousand terms and concepts. The task of ecolinguistics is to identify the historical-etymological, grammatical, lexical-semantic features of these lexemes.

The outstanding Urdu writer Khamar Rayis characterizes Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur as:

“Nature has made this mountainous Ferghana valley a unique place, and Babur was his favorite. And the beauty of this nature motivated Bobur's poetic thinking to blossom. He's never tired for a second to describe his orchards, maples, sugar-sweet fruits...”

Bobur was not only an unrivaled person who is well-versed in literature, art, history, military and state affairs, but also in natural science, which is one of the most pressing issues in our lives today.

In fact, the nature, flora and fauna of Central Asia, Afghanistan and India were much richer and more diverse than today. Accordingly, the author made serious comments about water, air, soil, flora and fauna.

Main part

Hydronyms such as Sayhun daryosi (The Saykhun River orHujand suyi (Khujand water)), Ars suyi (Ars water), Hatlon suyi (Khatlon water), Kuhak suyi (Khuhak water), Dargam suyi (Dargham water), Obirahmat,Bogi Maydon (The Garden Square), Ilamish daryosi(The Ilamish River), Yassi kechit otliq guzari (Center named Yassi Kechit), Qizil suv (Red water), rud (small stream), daryocha(small river)mentioned in Baburnama, displayed before our eyes as to represent the unique beauty of nature.

Bobur writes about the importance of these hydronyms in the prosperity of small towns, towns and cities:Бу руд мунинг тубидин оқар учун Кўҳак суйи дерлар. Бу сувдин улуғ бир руд айирибдурлар, балки дарёчадур, Дарғам суйи дерлар. Самарқанднинг жанубидин оқар, Самарқанддин бир шаръий бўлғой. Самарқанднинг боғот ва маҳоллоти ва яна неча тумоноти бу сув била маъмурдур. (For this small stream flows below Khuhak and is named Khuhak suyi (Khuhak Water). A great stream, more precisely the small river, was separated from Khuhak, and it is called Dargham Water. It flows in the south of Samarkand, and quarters, neighborhoods and several districts of Samarkand are well-watered.)

The same can be said about the names of places, such as Kilif guzar (Kilif Centre), Oratepa navohisi (Oratepa town), Itmak doboni (Itmak Pass), Bodana qorugi (Bodana reservation), Kandirlik doboni (Kandirlik Pass), Raboti Sarhang orchini (Raboti Srahang Path), Chipora Guzar (Chipora Centre); names of roads Kipchak Yoli (Kipchak Road), Archakent Yoli (Archakent Road), Badi Solor Yoli (Badi Solor Road), Samtu Yoli (Samti Road); Kuksaroy, Ohanin Darvozasi (Ohanin Gate), Shaihzoda darvozasi (Sheikhzada Gate), Gozuruston darvozasi (Gozuristan Gate), Feruza darvozasi (Feruza Gate), Chilustun, Bobo Tavakkul guzari (centre), Kushtegirmon Square, Chiniyxana, masjidi Laqlaqa (the mosque Laqlaka).

Most of the lexemes in the book "Baburnama" are pomological terms. These includeexamples asошлиғ, мева, қовун, узум, анор, ўруг, бодом, олу,анжир, олма, мирмихон, фундук, хурмо, биҳи, амруд, шафтоли, себи Самарқанд, соҳибийи Самарқанд, янғоқ, анба, кайла, маҳва, кирни, жоман, кадхил, бадҳал, бийр, гулар, лиму. Babur also gives interesting facts about garmserie fruits: норунж, турунж, амлук, найшакар, чилғўза; тобулғи йиғочи, чинор, сумбул, эмлук йиғочи, қора емиш, ножу, булут, ҳанжак; лола, ябриҳус-санам (меҳригиёҳ), айиқ ўти, канир, киюра, ёсуман, жамбил.

The writer also unknowingly commented on the hyper-hyponic (gender) relationship between lexemes. It can be observed in examples as “Apricot”: ("The stone of apricot is picked out and kernel put instead an then dried. They will call, it 'Subhani'. It is good.") “Pomegranate”: Khujand pomegranate, Alasoy pomegranate, and pomegranate.

Lines in "Boburnama": "I had the plum seedling planted and it gave good harvest, and it is still in progress", witnesses about the author's acclimatization of varieties that are now widely used in ecological science.

Biodiversity in 15th century nature, colorful world of fauna, human attitude to fauna at that time reflects in the following examples: қирғовул, ускуна, оқ кийик, буғу-марал, товушқон, кабутар, уй, қўй, қўтос, илқи, бургут, кийик, қушчи, қушчилиғ, бағриқаро, қилқуйруқ, тулку, тунқуз,фил, карк, говмиш, ҳўкиз, қўчқор, шери обий, карёл, даркамин, туюр, каклик, лаклак, сор, қарға, акка, қорлуғоч, сандуғоч, зоғча, рўбаи паррон, луча//буқаламун, муши мушкин, тўти, шорак, товус, нилагов, кўтахпой, ўрдак, турна, қарқара, уқор, қўтон; овлоғи, қушлоғи, кабутархон, қафас, ов қуши, моҳихона амали, таноб, жах.

Another noteworthy feature of the work is the purity of the atmosphere.


Writing about the uniqueness of the places, the author focuses on two aspects: the cleanliness, comfort and discomfort of cities and villages.

With help of terms like себаргалик, пурсоя, сафолиқ, ҳаволиқ, ороста the author expresses positive lexemes; writes about the negative aspects of lexemes such as уфунат, безгак, ел, баҳор ёғинлари.

In general, the work will be an invaluable resource for us in studying environmental terms.


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