Modern Manager and Requirements in the Innovative Economy
Innovation in Economics, Finance and Sustainable Development
DOI: 10.21070/ijins.v7i0.106

Modern Manager and Requirements in the Innovative Economy

Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service

(*) Corresponding Author

management marketing modern management innovation economy digital economy managarial requirements


The article looks at the modern manager in the conditions of an innovative economy and its requirements. The requirements also include professional training of a manager, psychological qualities of a manager, general cultural level, and general academic level. The article provides a brief overview of the key aspects of the quality of a modern manager - his or her level of knowledge and the requirements for a modern manager.


Today, every business needs development based on innovation. Otherwise, he may be left behind in a period of intense competition. This creates a need for a modern manager. For modern enterprises and organizations, which aim at accelerated development, the best way to achieve such success as effective implementation of innovation and turning their business into a highly profitable industry is to provide the organization's leaders with the conditions for the implementation of plans for sustainable growth. It is the manager of the organization who performs these important tasks.

In today's globalization, the role of science in the production and service is growing. This, in turn, requires that managers of any type or type of management - managers become innovators - introduce continuous innovation into their activities. Because yesterday's new technology is outdated even before it expires. It is well-known that it is impossible to produce competitive products using old technology.

Another important aspect of our day is that we cannot achieve success without focusing on one area and ignoring others. Improving management and ignoring marketing requirements also impedes the successful operation of the enterprise. Today's modern manager must not only master the principles of management, but also the secrets of marketing and other proceIn addition, a modern manager needs to know economics, philosophy, and specific sciences, and all social and specialization subjects. It is difficult to be a modern manager without meeting this requirement. After all, the demand now only requires dynamic features. All of this indicates that the topic is dedicated to a very important issue.

Analysis of the literature on the topic

Issues of management, manager and modern manager have been discussed in many foreign and domestic economists' works. These include K.H.Abdurahmonov, P.Frucker, V.Resnin, V.L. Glukhov, Sh.N. Zaynutdinov, N.K. Yuldashev, V.I. Nabokov, M.H. Meskon, M. Albert, F. Hedouri, O.I. Medved. A.K. Semenov, S.S Gulamov, M. Sharifkhodjaev, Y.A. Abdullaev, A.V. Baryshev, G.B. Kaznachevskaya. The theoretical, practical and methodological aspects of management are detailed in the works of these scientists. However, the issue of modern management has not been addressed separately. That is why in this article we will briefly touch on some of the key areas of modern management - its level of knowledge and its requirements for a modern manager.

Research methodology

The research methodology relies on philosophical categories such as induction and deduction, time and space, cause and effect, in order to fully understand who the modern manager is and what he or she qualifies, based on cognitive theory. Different tables and pictures are also used in the research process. Use of relevant data sources such as observation, experiment, primary or secondary official reporting data, questionnaire, existing national values, and local characteristics to be used for logical conclusions and research strategies. Rational decision-making and scientific-theoretical and practical recommendations will be developed to achieve a clear solution to the problem. The excellence of these recommendations calls for the reliability and accuracy of the data, logical conclusions and suggestions used in the research. This is reflected in the combination of theory and practice.

Analysis and Results

It was concluded that modern manager must be innovative. However, there has not been much research on how a modern manager should know, what subjects he or she has mastered, and little is known in the literature on management. a series of subjects to study (Figure 1).

Figure 1. What a modern manager needs to know

Figure 1.

The subject areas presented in this picture will be fully mastered by managers from developed European countries, USA, China, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea. It requires us to work in the same direction. It should be noted that the fate of the enterprise, the workforce, the state of the region's economy, and the amount of tax revenues largely depend on the skills and qualifications of managers. This is because if managers are up-to-date and live with tomorrow, high performance of the enterprise will be ensured. That is why great attention is paid to training managers.

We would like to draw your attention to one thing. What are the differences between a true innovation manager and a manager who is still training and working? First, current managers often learn how to use the technology of their choice and how to act on it. This is because new technologies do not want to reorganize into new ones, simply because they are anxious and costly. They strongly believe in the order in which they operate and operate and cannot abandon it. However, best practices and new technologies in all areas of the socio-economic sector do not accept the old manager or manager of the organization. They need to be real innovators. The more innovative the leader is, the more competitive he will be.

Secondly, we are living in a time of dramatic change in the demand for new products and services from existing customers and consumers. Even consumers who have been enjoying their products for many years and who have just studied and purchased the products and services of those companies are buying new products and services first and foremost. In this case, the head of the enterprise or managers of the company producing material and intangible products will face competition that they are not expecting.

Manager-innovator (new ideas, new technology leader, leader) is a creative, innovative, modern science researcher who is convinced of the benefits and efficacy of transitioning to a new technology system that has mastered the technology and the working conditions of this technology. should be well-informed, organized and initiative. As mentioned, this requires a great deal of academic capacity and relevant experience from the current manager.

The vision and thinking of a competent innovative manager must be non-standard, molded, and be able to prove that they are right, even when there are few, in management decisions. Such managers need to work on the latest scientific and technical achievements and modern management techniques. Only then can this company or company not be afraid of competition.

Modern managers should be innovators. They are always on the look-out for their confidence. In addition to their specialization or specialty, they are introduced to the latest technologies that have been achieved in the world. Otherwise, the manager will have a hard time understanding how to break out of these situations when the innovators face complex problems. They can put the fate of an organization or business at risk.

Thus, each specialist, in particular, a modern manager, gives a comprehensive assessment to the manager, and the selection of personnel is based on the following four requirements. These are:

1. Professional Training of a Manager.

2. Psychological attributes.

3. General cultural levels.

4. General scientific degrees.

Manager's professional readiness. The main requirement for this group is to have the relevant knowledge. For a manager to be an innovator, he or she must be fully aware of all the disciplines that are required to be learned and mastered. These disciplines can be divided into the following groups:

1. Product Policy and Product Related Sciences These include technical sciences, production technology, law and enterprise economics.

2. Subjects related to pricing policy and effective pricing control. These include macro and microeconomics, world economics, higher mathematics, statistics, finance and credit, tax law, and accounting.

3. The subjects related to increasing the market share and increasing the efficiency of the products sold. These include such disciplines as negotiation techniques, marketing and marketing.

4. A modern manager must be well versed in the subjects related to the effectiveness of the sales system. These subjects include sociology, psychology, theory of relativity, statistics, and marketing (Figure 2).

Figure 2.

Figure 2. Areas and areas that a modern manager should know

Obviously, these disciplines are difficult to master at the level of excellence, but a modern manager needs to learn them. If life is lacking in knowledge of these subjects, life itself requires that each of them continue to learn.

Today the main professional qualities of the modern manager - innovator can be explained by:

1. Interest in working with information.

2. Developed logical ability.

3. Sufficiency of attention and concentration.

4. Speech development and culture.

5. Advanced mathematics skills.

6. High level of business communication.

7. Ability to actively implement innovative research.

8. Availability of constant striving for personal growth.

9. Proper understanding of activities aimed at improving the welfare, welfare and quality of life of the population.

2. Psychological attributes of a manager. As mentioned, the manager must be an innovator. Such an expert should be able to form social and psychological characteristics such as friendly relations, social reliability, optimism, nature, communication skills and intelligence, the ability to control their emotions and feelings, and their sincerity in expressing them.

Socio-psychological maturity of the manager-innovator is shown in:

1. Their manners always require a tendency toward flexibility.

2. Ability to perceive rapidly changing situations.

3. Requires the ability to develop the thoughts and ideas that come from monitoring the situation.

4. Will be able to self-control, analyze the emotions.

5. Nature and simplicity prevail in its character.

6. It also requires a high level of acceptance and analysis of information and making appropriate conclusions.

7. Sincerity and honesty are a priority in communication with people.

8. Demonstrated ability to creatively and legally approach the situation.

The manager-innovator must also be distinguished by the fact that he / she is resistant to stress and based on facts only. He should also refrain from punishing and encouraging others based on facts he is not convinced of. Punishments and incentives for unfairness create discontent in the community. In this case, management methods are ineffective.

3. The general cultural level of the manager. It is important to remember that the manager promotes a healthy lifestyle among his subordinates. Therefore, it should look good. The modern manager must be well-known in terms of appearance, quality and lightweight uniforms, accessories, and more.

It has to be not only the outer appearance, but the inner world as well, and to be able to speak fluently and freely from Navoi poetry to the present-day politics, in order to become a leader in the conversation. To do this, a modern manager-innovator needs to read a lot of books.

The manager's speeches and writings should be literate, well-grounded, and understandable by all sections of the population. Because, at the moment, every news is so great that it is not always available to everyone. That is why the manager has many questions. There is also a growing awareness of justified and groundless criticism among people. It should not be included in any one unless it is justified. The manager-innovator must have an independent mind and rely on it in all actions.

The manager's activity should always be based on legal norms. Therefore, he must be a lawyer in his or her field of activity and possess a thorough knowledge of computer technology.

4. General academic degree of manager. As mentioned above, what disciplines a manager-innovator should know and learn about. Now let's take a look at what these disciplines give him. We focus instead on the most important and important subjects that a manager-innovator should know:

1. Philosophy: The knowledge gained from the study of this subject enhances and strengthens the possibilities for a comprehensive review and analysis of events and events, the understanding of the causes and effects of the consequences, and the ability to reason fully and reasonably. The philosophical approach to any process is shaped by the ability to evaluate it in time and space.

2. Sociology: By using this discipline, the manager best defines the needs and needs of the staff in society, especially the organization, and focuses on innovations in the field. The innovator manager will have relevant information on each of his team members about their social status and will be treated accordingly.

3. Economics: By mastering this discipline the manager-innovator will evaluate the market position of his organization, evaluate how, when and how to produce, market and thus ensure the competitiveness of the enterprise. These circumstances serve as the basis for the enterprise's stable operation in the market and the development of plans to stabilize its market share. Taking into account the above situation, it makes managerial decisions and develops perspective plans that will keep the business system stable in a competitive manner.

4. Psychology: helps people to know the best options for communicating with people, the motivations of their employees. Each of the employees in the enterprise is one world. Their mental state is not the same. But in order to get them all together in one direction, the manager must also be a strong psychologist. This, in turn, requires a great deal of study and study of these subjects. Studying the morale of each employee is not in the textbooks and books, but it requires a modern manager-innovator to know it. So he must have acquired the "knowledge" of studying people and the workforce.

5. History: The important thing for a manager-innovator is to learn the mistakes made by this subject, the reasons behind their achievements, and who will be able to find out who made many inventions and what their contents are. Such a specialist should have a good grasp of the history of the company along with the history of our country. Knowing history to evaluate today requires knowledge of the mysteries of the present to determine the future. Historical successes are the basis for action, while deficiencies are the basis for their elimination. The modern manager-innovator must understand this correctly.

6. Statistics: it helps the modern manager-innovator analyze the impact of a particular innovation on the effectiveness of the organization. It requires the development of this discipline in the context of modernity, that is, the requirements of the digital economy. Statistics provide relevant information for management decisions. This information must be accurate and accurate. The experts who make this happen are individual, but the manager must have a level of knowledge that evaluates the true situation in order to evaluate its validity. Inaccurate information can lead to poor management decisions and, accordingly, there is no guarantee that the business will be sustainable and competitive. Therefore, statistics require a great deal of responsibility.

7. Economic analysis: The modern manager-innovator must have the ability to process statistical and reporting data, learn from the point of view of their feasibility and necessity. Because, in the course of the economic analysis, it is possible to accurately assess the impact of the factors underlying the results studied. This is also the basis for economic and scientifically sound management decisions. It is clear that the modern manager-innovator must be well-versed in how to conduct economic analysis and how to analyze information.

8. Art: When we use the phrase “management and management art”, it shows how important it is for a modern manager-innovator. With this discipline the manager fully masters the art of management. The modern manager-innovator is not able to intimidate and administer the staff. It should make every employee able to mobilize himself with all the encouragement. The modern manager-innovator, in turn, also needs to be creative. The artist shows his art on stage. But the modern manager-innovator must always feel and act on his stage. It's a very complicated process. It is clear from this that being a modern manager-innovator constitutes a great scientific and intellectual potential.

The subjects that the manager has to learn and learn are not limited to the list. He must continually expand his knowledge, culture, perfection and worldview by studying and mastering many subjects. In addition, the modern manager should keep track of non-management disciplines, information on world-class technologies and best practices, and broaden the outlook. Part of the time of a modern manager-innovator requires that you also spend time reading fiction.

Requirements for the modern manager. We have just mentioned briefly what a modern manager-innovator is like. This means that over time, the types and types of organizations and enterprises will grow and technological processes will improve. Managers must also be prepared to respond to various changes and new requirements.

World management experience shows that intensive training of professional management and professional personnel ensures the Company's survival in the ever-changing internal and external environment. In Uzbekistan, this issue has not been fully resolved. Failure to train professional managers will slow down any organization's transition to self-governance and promising development.

Studying the scientific literature in our country and abroad shows that the most promising and effective development of organizations and enterprises depends on the professional managers of the enterprises and organizations, especially modern managers and innovators. That is why in many countries of the world there are many requirements for a professional manager. In the course of the research a modern model of managerial requirements has been developed (Figure 3).

Figure 3.

Figure 3. Model requirements for the modern manager

According to the conclusions of our country and Russian scientists, much work remains to be done to prepare modern managers and innovators at European level. At present, the manager-innovator emphasizes that in order to meet the requirements of the present time it is necessary to adapt the following three directions: These are:

1. Training in Targeted Higher Education in "Management", further employment and career advancement as a "diploma" manager. To do this, he needs to know how to achieve the combination of theory and practice in the learning process.

2. To achieve high results in the development of innovation in areas not related to management, but also in management practice (knowledge of professions ranging from computer technology to cooking technologies).

3. Creation of a new private firm that produces clusters based on a new cluster. To do this, you must have the appropriate qualifications and economic skills. The issue of opening new firms is not only economical but also socially important. As it creates new jobs, a certain amount of bonding issues are solved, and the region's economy and finances are improving.

The modern manager-innovator should be able to do the following: You will need to have the appropriate skills for this. This qualification includes:

1. Ability to manage a large number of employees.

2. Implement business planning with clear definition of ways and means, resources, time and means to achieve the goal.

3. Able to assign tasks to competitors and create motivation to work effectively.

4. Identify the limits and competences of the subcontractors, and provide resources and resources.

5. Permanent access to large volumes of information.

6. Study the use of modern technology and innovation in different areas.

7. Targeting the development and self-development of the subordinates.

The modern manager-innovator meeting the above requirements requires constantly working on himself and keeping pace with the times. They need to be able to integrate digital innovation into their activities, along with innovation. A modern manager-innovator should be well-versed in a number of professions at the same time. They should also be able to complete such fields as economics (microeconomics, mexo-economics, macroeconomics), regulatory documents, general regulations, marketers, psychologists, philosophers with a thorough knowledge of technology and technology. The illustration of this requirement is shown in the following figure (Figure 4).

Figure 4.

Figure 4. Professional training of a modern manager block system


In the context of an innovative economy, a modern manager and a number of scientific and practical conclusions were reached by examining the requirements and requirements of the manager.

Based on the purpose of the article, the definition of modern manager-innovator has been developed. Modern manager-innovator means ...

Requirements for the modern manager-innovator are based on such issues as professional training of the manager, psychological qualities of the manager, general cultural level, general scientific level. The main directions of the professional quality of the modern manager-innovator are defined and their knowledge level is justified. They should also be fully aware of how to drive a digital and innovative economy that is now up to date.


As a result of the research, a model for the requirements for a modern manager has been developed and the main aspects to be incorporated into this model are outlined. It also shows that managers should not only study management and a number of related disciplines.

Scientific and theoretical recommendations on the general professional level of the modern manager-innovator are developed. This is based on the need to master several subjects (8 of which are reviewed in the article) and to integrate the learning process with practice. In general, the practical application of the issues raised in the article and the scientific recommendations will help to achieve the objectives set in the Country Development Strategy for 2017-2021, improve the welfare, quality and standard of living of the population through the introduction of innovative factors a nd digital technologies.


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